Thursday, January 31, 2019

Quilting the River Thames

My easiest free motion quilting project for a long time... straight(ish) lines, following the print of the fabric.  This is the Thames fabric that I bought in December, which is now being made into a lap quilt.  It seems that winter may finally be arriving.  The day started with a hard frost, and this evening it has been snowing - about an inch so far, which could well all thaw tomorrow.  I could tell we were at risk of snow by the draught blowing through the house from the East.  Ideally I should have had this quilt finished already, especially as my husband has had a cold has been feeling the chill.

Despite the fact that the quilting is so simple, it seemed to take a while to finish.  It was an awkward size to manage, and I ended up using three different threads, as I ran out of the main colour I was using, and used up what was left on bobbins of two other colours to finish the quilting.  Now all I have to do is the binding, and it should be finished this weekend!

Free motion Mavericks this week is at Andrée's blog Quilting and Learning - what a combo and I'm linking up!


  1. Hi Muv, that's going to be a lovely lap quilt. I hope that it will keep the both of you warm! Thanks for linking up on this side of the pond (if it was a pond, our shore would be frozen stiff by now!)

    1. Thanks Andrée. The quilt is finished and ready for the next cold spell.

  2. This a lovely fabric and your quilting works beautifully on it. I hope your husband is feeling better :)

    1. Thanks Janine! The quilt is finished now, and my husband is much better.



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