Sunday, February 3, 2019

A Picture for Sunday - The Thaw

If it snows here, as often as not it thaws the next day.  This field of winter wheat gives a great illusion of vastness with the disappearing parallel lines.

Here is a photo taken just a few feet away on a very different day.  The joys of photography!

Linking up with Wandering Camera at Whims and Fancies.


  1. Back to rain again! LOL! Nice photo - very much like here today.

    1. Nothing like a good snowfall to ring the changes. Can't wait for the next one.

  2. I miss it. But it was fun while it lasted. The animal tracks were fun to follow. Quite a few - foxes, bunnies and pheasants. Then little birdies and a cat - not mine, but he comes for a squiffle and purrs. The chickens took one look outside their run and said nah, not nasty white stuff and went back inside! Interesting that the fox has given the electric fence a huge wide berth! Phew!

  3. Hi Muv, love the two photos. What a difference a season or two makes :-)

  4. What a beautiful photo! LOVE the perspective!

    Thank You for sharing on Wandering Camera!

  5. Wow, the difference in the two shots is incredible! Thawing is good--as long as it doesn't freeze again!



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