Thursday, February 14, 2019

Variations on Blue for a Girl

One of my artless photos ever... sometimes I just don't care.  

I usually photograph my finished quilts in the kitchen, pinned to the back of the curtain that divides it from the dining room.  The light today was terrible, so I slung the quilt across the settee instead.  And because my knitting lives on the settee I threw that into the picture too to stop the quilt flopping forwards.  It adds a touch of reality - I've been slightly under the weather and feel as though I have been living on the settee this week.  It's my knitting zone, covered with balls of wool.  It's a good job we haven't got a cat.

These are the same floral prints that I have used in the last few cradle quilts.  I make them in batches, and ring the changes by using different combinations of fabric for the dividing strips, borders, binding and backing, so no two quilts are exactly alike.

This is the first time I have used this backing fabric.  It is a very fresh blue, which goes equally well with blues and purplish tones, and manages to pick out the tiny blue flowers in the binding.

Free Motion Mavericks this week is at Andrée's blog 
Quilting and Learning and I'm linking up!


  1. I love those delicate little florals. One of my favorite kinds of fabrics. Such a good mix of traditional and modern!

    1. Thanks Janice! You can't go too far wrong with tiny florals, can you?

  2. Dear Muv,
    While I am not doing anything constructive in the sewing department at the moment, I do want to say that your emails twice weekly are true bright spots in my life. We become so inundated by bad news, idiotic politics, and requests one cannot fulfill, that my heart warms when your latest project or photo shows up. They are all delightful! Thank you so much! Patty

    1. Hello Patty,

      I am always trying to work out whether the world is getting madder by the day, or whether the older I get the more I see it. Running this blog is my way of swimming against the tide. I am so glad you appreciate it.

      Love, Muv

  3. Hi Muv, that's another cute quilt. I like the backing - it does suite the binding. Thanks for linking up to Free Motion Mavericks (Canadian edition) :-)



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