Saturday, February 23, 2019

Little Miss Marple Cardigan

Ready to give when a little girl arrives.  There are two babies on the way in the family, so I have to be doubly prepared, with two baby boy cardies and two baby girl cardies.

I rather like the pink tweedy effect, which comes from using two random yarns in two row stripes in fisherman's rib.  It gives that old fashioned conventional look, similar to the little blue cardigan with cables that I made last year.

I really enjoy the effect of the raglan shaping on the stripes, making them turn a corner.

The buttons are the same as the ones on the blue cardigan.  Of all the buttons I have stashed away, they were far away the best match - they really completed the old lady look.  Of course, once there is a little girl inside this cardigan she will make it all her own and I will forget all about little grey haired ladies solving crimes.


  1. Hi Muv, what a beautiful sweater. It will look great on a baby girl.

    1. Thanks Andrée. I almost wish it fitted me, but it's not my colour.

  2. I am looking forward to when you can post your knitting instructions! Absolutely love the little cardi's.

    1. Thanks Gayle! I am putting up a few preliminary posts about the stitch and tips for seams, increasing and decreasing etc, and the instructions are coming soon.



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