Thursday, January 3, 2019

Changes Afoot...

 Happy New Year 2019!

I hope everyone has had a happy and restful Christmas and are looking forward to fresh adventures in the coming year.

Life here is now back to the normal routine - my husband went back to work yesterday, our daughter flew back to Belfast today, and I threaded up the treadle and did an hour or so's quilting.

My plans for sewing for the moment are very straightforward - finish the cradle quilts that are sandwiched and ready to go.  As for the blog... now that is where it gets interesting.

Having hosted Free Motion Mavericks two hundred and ten times so far, I thought it would be nice to turn the linky into a shared project, so I contacted Andrée at Quilting and Learning - what a combo to see if she would like to host every other week.  Yes, she is up for the challenge!  We are still at the planning stage, sorting out blog buttons, a new page to our blogs, and who hosts when.   I am really delighted that Andrée is so full of enthusiasm and ideas, and, being computer-literate, can actually sort out the technical side - because frankly, in that respect, I'm rubbish.  So this week we are preparing for a relaunch of Free Motion Mavericks as a transatlantic adventure, bouncing back and forth between England and Canada.  Rather than have a linky this week while reorganisation is still in progress, it would be nice if anyone with a project ready to show could save it for next week, Thursday 10th January.  I hope to see lots of wonderful creations!

So in the meantime, it is a vote of thanks to Andrée!

Also, special thanks to Cheryl at Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting who left a comment about getting rid of spam.  Thanks to her I adjusted the settings on the blog and have kept the robots out ever since.  As I said, I am useless with the technical side of blogging, but now that I have a spam-free zone, the year ahead seems so much brighter!


  1. I hope all the settings work well for you. I'm not good on the computer, but I'm learning, bit by bit. Have fun with the new format for the linky. One of these days I'll try free motion quilting again. Till then, it's just straight line quilting for me.

  2. Oooh sounds fun! Looking forward to the joint hosting and a new person to follow!
    Just as I think it seems normal, such as it is, husband works from home now - very annoying but I think a London commute is asking too much even if he does stay overnight with his folks! And then the Claverham clan are visiting next weekend! LOL!



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