Sunday, May 26, 2019

A Picture for Sunday - Singing Robin

You may recognise my little friend from a couple of weeks ago.  I managed to get this photo of him in full trill one evening from no more than about five feet away.  It wasn't until enlarging this photo on the computer screen once I was home that I realised how sharp robins' beaks are.  All the better for cracking through earwigs' outer shells.

I think his name might have to be Bob.  Bob the Robin doesn't sound too bad.  Thank you to everyone who made suggestions.  My husband has a favourite robin too, who sings in the tree above his shed.  My robin is Bob and his is Fred.


  1. Great picture of the robin. Interesting how different yours are to ours out here in California. I call mine Chirpy. Wakes me up at 5 am every spring morning without fail. I miss him when the season changes!

    1. Birds are such a pleasure at this time of year, but nothing, and I mean nothing, would wake me up at 5am!

  2. That's a very good picture of your robin. I like to listen to the mockingbirds around here, but I have never been able to get a good picture.

    1. I have just found video with a mockingbird singing. Interesting!
      A bit like the song thrushes here. I heard one doing a telephone ring today.

  3. Your robins are the cutest birds ever! Our robins in the U.S. don't quite have the charm of ours. I hope you and Bob continue your acquaintance. ;-)

    1. I'm hoping it's for life - his, I mean. They have a short lifespan. After that, Bob's son, who knows?



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