Monday, May 13, 2019

On the Wall!

Six years ago today I took this photo.  Yesterday the stitched version finally made it to our living room wall, so here it is in all its glory, reflections and all.  

My husband made the frame out of oak, and I was in charge of mounting the landscape.  Rather than use card, I opted for fabric.  I backed the ivory coloured cotton with iron-on interfacing to stiffen it before stitching the outline, then put another layer of thick stiffening between it and the board on which is it mounted.  

The landscape is secured at each corner by stiches that go through a small hole in the board to the back.  To prevent these stitches pulling on and possibly damaging the actual work, I used a tiny glass bead.

At the back I tied the threads over a small metal button.  Because it is synthetic thread, which can sometimes unravel itself over time, I made sure I tied plenty of knots before tidying up the tail ends and cutting them off.

Having the picture on the wall has an interesting effect on me - it makes me just want to walk out of the house and enjoy the fresh air.  The fact that the weather is fine certainly helps, and I have a friend who is always glad to see me.

Free Motion Mavericks this week is at Andrée's blog Quilting and Learning and I'm linking up!


  1. Nice finish. Thanks for how you mounted it.

  2. Hi Muv, isn't it great to look at your art on the wall. The frame looks really good. You both did a great job!

    1. Thanks Andrée! We got there in the end.



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