Sunday, September 15, 2019

A Picture for Sunday - Butcher's Shop

Rawles Butchers in Bridport, Dorset.  The most striking commercial art I have seen for years.  I love the dreamy green landscape. 


  1. Oh it's ages since we've been to Bridport, but wasn't too far away on Saturday - I was bringing my mum to stay for a mini break here and we went on an excursion for chicken related stuff and took the long route home - ignoring the grumpy satnav lady and driving the opposite way. Saw several signs for Bridport but figured best go home and headed for Chard! Hope you had fun over there! Love the sign. :D

    1. Thanks Kerry, we had a great time. We had just one night away, but long enough for a decent recce for next time. We got off the A37 and took a detour through Somerset on the way home, and stopped off at a pub. Of course.

      There's something about butchers and Bridport - one has fab art, another has his shop on the ground floor of the Town Hall. It's surreal.

      Love, Muv

  2. Nice to see this picture! My sister lives in Bridport and is a quilter. Funnily enough I don't see her that often but have done this past weekend. I shall have to ask her if she knows this butcher.

  3. If you ever wander across to Dartmoor, I thoroughly recommend the Primrose Tea rooms in Lustleigh. Tried twice this week to take my mother, but both times was thwarted by the world and their vehicles! So gave up in the end. We did manage in early July with my Canadian part of the family. The gardens are super and are terraced with your own table sectioned off - the food is superb too. Obviously I had to have a cream tea and one of the Canadians had to test too - she was delighted! A hot day, but the shade from the shrubs (and oh so many flowers) made it bearable! And now we have autumn - methinks it's time to sew! Love Kerry :D



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