Friday, September 27, 2019

Knitted Coat for a Toddler

This is the latest creation from the Muv Knitting Design Studio, also known as the settee.

I found a pack of baby yarn in chunky weight, with the price reduced because it was the end of a dye lot, and set to work on this coat.  The idea is that it will fit a toddler as a coat, and as she grows, the ribbed yoke will stretch and the sleeves can be turned down, and it will be a chunky little jacket.  By my reckoning it should last for at least three winters.

The wool is seriously thick, so it would be ideal for a hard cold winter, of the Scottish or Canadian variety.

The ribbing gives the yoke a slightly conical look, but as the child grows it should mould itself to the shape of her shoulders.

The collar turned out to be my favourite feature because it stands up at the back.  It turned out this way because I continued the raglan shaping at the front right until casting off...

...whereas at the back I stopped working the shaping once I reached the actual collar.

It is giving me ideas for a winter cardigan in grown-up size.  I quite fancy a collar like this to keep the draughts out.


  1. So cute! Yup I could do with one of those - that wind is pretty fierce at the moment!

  2. Hi Muv, that is a really cute sweater. It will be very versatile for a growing child.



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