Sunday, September 29, 2019

A Picture for Sunday - The Duchess of Sutherland

Steam engines have a perennial appeal.  Whenever one is due, you can guarantee at least one or two spectators will be ready with their cameras on the railway bridge near to where I live.  It was pure coincidence that I saw the photographers at the ready, and I was able to catch this train.  To add to the delight, the Duchess of Sutherland belonged to LMS (London Midland and Scottish Railway), the company for whom my grandad worked.


  1. How wonderful! I remember the steam engines going under the bridge of the local station - dad and I would stand over the top and watch the steam rising. Always get excited. Then we lived near the Watercress Line and had a ride on that to the Watercress festival in Alresford. Hubby has actually been on the Orient Express (so jealous!). Today I've been at the Malvern Autumn Show and saw all manner of old steam machines - I confess to being a lot more interested in those than modern machinery!
    How wonderful that your Duchess is linked to your family history. Quite thrilling I would imagine!

    1. Yes Kerry, the fact that it was an LMS engine made that little bit more exciting.
      You were braver than I was. When I was a little girl I was terrified of the steam engines when they pulled into the station.

  2. Hi Muv, that's a great picture - so much history in those trains. I'm not sure that we have any more working ones here. If we do, it would be for short tourist journeys.

    1. Hello Andrée,

      There are quite a few working steam engines in this country. Most are on privately run restored lines, but some engines are used for special excursions on the main rail network. This engine is on the main line to the south west, and it was the last run of the summer. Quite amazing that I just chanced upon it.

      Love, Muv



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