Friday, March 7, 2014

Free Motion Landscape - Upside Down

Last week I did a bit of experimenting to see if I could start a free motion landscape.  Once I had put in a couple of lines of quilting to represent a hedgerow, I realised I had done it upside down.  The creamy yellow was supposed to be the background of the sky, and I had managed to end up with it at the bottom.   I have to confess I was rather cheesed off about it.

So I turned the whole thing upside down and turned the first lines of stitching into reflections. What started out as a hedgerow has turned into the far shore of a lake.  I haven't a clue what I am going to do next, but at least this week I have enjoyed myself.  It feels like scribbling with a treadle, rather than quilting.

Linking up with Sarah's blog Confessions of a Fabric Addict for Whoop Whoop Friday
and Leah Day's blog for Free Motion Friday


  1. I love what you have going on with the hedgerow turned into a lake view. I'll enjoy seeing this finished.

  2. Absolutely beautiful! Great rescue with turning the upside down stitching into reflections.

  3. I think it looks pretty cool.

  4. Well, that's funny how a mistake can change a project we're working on. That's the kind of mistake I would do too... I like the reflection upon a lake and the fact that you turned it upside down and continue experimenting instead of putting the whole thing aside. Who knows, that may become a favorite piece of work.

  5. this is gorgeous! Way to be open to change and re-create the piece!

  6. Muv, it actually works. I thought of a lake shore as soon as I saw the photo, and even though there's still a bit of the darker fabric behind the trees, it just makes it look like there's more water beyond them--like the trees are out on a skinny peninsula. What's even more important is you enjoyed yourself!

    Hope your rain has let up. We've got sunshine today and just a few little piles of snow remain.

  7. Wow, great recovery! And it really looks like reflections in water!

  8. Very nice. Can't wait to see what's next!



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