Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Testing the Ruffler

Yesterday I spent a fair portion of the day playing around with rufflers.  It is about four years since I last used a ruffler and I needed to refresh my memory.

I have four of these gadgets, and I tried out three of them.  One is jammed and needs a good cleaning and oiling.  Another is out of shape and it needs some gentle persuasion with a pair of pliers.  Another is a much older model and I didn't try it.  Those three will all have to wait until another day.

However, this one did what it was supposed to do.  Here it is attached to the Singer 201K treadle, and the camera was just sitting on the bed of the machine.  Now I am looking for ways to use it in my next project, which will probably be another little dress.

Quilts are taking a back seat at the moment.  All I want to do is dressmaking - hardly surprising, being hooked on the Great British Sewing Bee at the moment.  Tonight's instalment promises to be interesting...  I think we shall be seeing some vintage machines in action.  Can't wait.

Linking up today with Connie's blog Freemotion by the River for Linky Tuesday.  Lots of interesting projects to see there.


  1. I just love using my ruffler. Only I'm torn between watching to be sure the material is guided correctly and watching the attachment working. LOL Have a wonderful day, and thank you for posting this.

    1. Hello Laura Jean, I hope you enjoy watching my ruffler too!

  2. Have fun! I remember playing with one years ago, they are neat and work! Thanks for sharing.
    Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

  3. I actually used one of my rufflers a week or two ago attached to my Singer 15K80 hand crank. I wanted to gather at a ratio of 2:1 and found that playing with the stitch length and making a few samples was lots of fun. I cracked it in the end. It probably doesn't save much time over all but it makes a lovely firm even gather. Just finished watching TGBSB on catch up. I bet the price of Singer 201K on ebay go through the roof now. Weren't they lovely and quiet?

    1. Hello Gavin,

      That is exactly what I was doing, trying to find the right ratio of gather. I'm rubbish at maths, and also at being methodical and recording what I do, so I still haven't got to the stage where I am satisfied that I can ruffle the right amount of gather. What you can do is ruffle with a loose tension stitch and then gather it some more, but you risk snapping the thread. The alternative is to do an extra line of large stitch machining over the ruffle stitching and gathering that up slightly. I think that is what I shall end up doing... unless of course you have a magic formula you can divulge...

      Cracking episode of GBSB. I was glued. All those 201Ks! When are they going to try the contestants with hand machines?


    2. Hi Muv
      Wasn't it a wonderful episode? I am loving the group. Lynda had me almost in tears as she was remembering her mother's "lovely clothes and swishy skirts". Such an honest and natural memory and so brave of her to share. Heather's memory of the only electric machine in the school had a real ring of truth about it too. I love what Chinelo did with the make do and mend challenge and it's been wonderful to see David grow and begin to enjoy what he is doing. I really wish Simon had stuck around a bit longer his humour and interaction with the judges made for great telly.

      I would love to have seen them using hand crank or treadle power never mind watching them make sense of a shuttle and long bobbin. Ah well there is always next series…

    3. Interesting, isn't it Gavin. This series is going those few steps further. I'm looking forward to next week, when they have to make their own patterns. A walk over for Chinelo, but no reason why it should be too difficult for the others.

      I've finished the little red dress - post coming soon - and I can't help looking at it without mentally submitting it to May and Patrick for a verdict. The power of telly, eh? Have you got a sudden overwhelming urge to make another shirt?


    4. Shirt project has stalled - lacking a cuff, hem, buttonholes and buttons. :-(

  4. Some nice ruffles on some hideous material...hilarious! But also very educational for me. There is a 'ruffler' or 'ruffling foot' in the box of my mother-in-law's Singer 503 accessories. Every time I see it, it just makes me shudder. It looks like an instrument of torture. But seeing your video has made me a little more willing to try it. Thank you!



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