Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Making a Hand Stitched Button Loop

Tonight I shall be watching the third instalment of The Great British Sewing Bee.  Amongst other things, the contestants will be tackling the horrors of stretchy fabrics and making a pair of leggings. Not my cup of tea at all.

More to my taste is making a button loop, which was one of the tasks set in the first programme a fortnight ago.  This endearingly tatty little item is the sample button and loop I sewed in about 1969 or 70 for needlework at school.  It has been lurking in the button tin ever since.

On close inspection, the loop looks rather like a miniature bag handle.

To make sure I could still do it - I can't remember making another one in between times - I made another last week and have posted a video on Youtube.  This time, instead of using about six strands of ordinary machine cotton, I decided to use stranded embroidery thread.  I wanted to see the finished effect when using a variegated thread.  It would look nice with a pretty cotton print so the colours would match.  It doesn't look too bad with the ghastly shade of brown of the sample in the video.  I have to use up that dreadful brown somehow.  The dye runs, so samples are all it is fit for.


  1. Hi Muv
    Nice work, beautifully explained. I bet those contestants in episode one of GBSB wish that you had posted it before they filmed it. Glad you are enjoying the show. I've thought wouldn't it be good if they published the patterns from the pattern challenge on the BBC website to encourage more home sewers. How about the Great British Sew Along?

    1. Thanks Gavin!
      Doing a series of stills was easy, but timing the commentary was a bit hair raising.

      Yes, this evening is going to be fun. Sausage bacon and beans while the telly is on, then pancakes afterwards. Can't toss pancakes in the front room.

      It would be nice to see a bit more follow up to the series, but I always worry when I see the word sewers. You don't want to know how often we have had to call the men out to unblock the sewers in the past, even on Christmas Day. Puts you off your dinner a bit.

      Must go - sausages under the grill...

  2. Nossa esse blog é maravilhoso , adoro de acompanhar seus artigos .

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