Friday, March 14, 2014

Scribbling with the Treadle

This afternoon I did a bit more quilting on the free motion landscape.  I decided that a church and a cluster of houses on the skyline was what it needed.  Since taking this photo I have almost finished filling in the gap on the left between the trees and the horizon.

I was relieved that I managed to make the church tower vertical. 

Quite what I am going to put in the foreground remains to be seen.  Taking this project slowly is turning out to be really enjoyable.  No real plan, no pressure.  Just what I need at the moment, because the weather has dried up and I have a vegetable plot to dig.

Linking up today with Leah Day's blog for Free Motion Friday
and Sarah's blog Confessions of a Fabric Addict for Whoop Whoop Friday


  1. Oh, wow, this is looking great, and I love that you are taking your time and just enjoying.

    1. It's a zero deadline but I'm not going to hide it away unfinished project... Can you come up with a better name for it please Linda?

  2. Lovely, Muv, and it looks like fun! Have a wonderful day working in your garden. We're having a bit of a break here in NJ as well, but they forecast snow again on Monday. *sigh*

    1. Thank you Laura Jean! We have just had two days of thick fog followed by a beautiful sunny day today. There could be a lot more digging than sewing in the days ahead...

  3. It have very interesting texture. It is nice to slow down the pace and let your creativity be the driving force and not a deadline.

  4. Love your free motion quilting :-) Nice landscape

  5. just seen this post - it is fantastic - wish I could treadle and FMQ like you - I know its practice but this is beautiful.



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