Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A Barmy Project

Not my usual tools and materials at all - a craft knife, paper cutting scissors and a pile of books...

On Easter Monday we called in at our favourite second hand book warehouse, and I was transfixed by a poster near the entrance for the Out Of Print Fashion Show.  After a chat with the ladies at the desk, and a fair bit of umming and ahhing, I came away with a pile of books and an idea bubbling in my head.  My In-House Model gladly volunteered.  After looking terribly grown up and sensible in the 1940s blouse, she is willing to look completely bonkers to humour her old mum.

Fortunately the creation does not have to be made entirely of books.  Cloth is allowed.  Couture meets origami.

Today I have started ripping into the books.  I know what I am going to make, and expect it will evolve along the way.  It could be sublime or ridiculous or both.


  1. Oh my, cannot wait to see what you come up with. Bet it's a dozy! Nice that your daughter is willing to be a guinea pig for your creations.

    1. Thanks Karen. Even my husband is intrigued by this project. It has been interesting so far, trying to work out how to make a garment using vast quantities of paper.



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