Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Free Motion Landscape - Nearly There...

It is a while since I worked on this landscape, after being knocked slightly off course by the wretched frozen shoulder.  Today I finally felt like working on it again.  I needed to soften the outline of the stone wall in the foreground.

A few weeds in dark green in front of it and some bare twiggy plants in brown on the far side have done the trick.  I have now worked out how to finish off the picture - it shouldn't take long.

As for the frozen shoulder - I have now worked my way to the top of the queue and saw an NHS physiotherapist for the first time last week.  I went to my doctor about it on the 31st March and had to wait until 12th May to see the physiotherapist.  Even though the shoulder is much less painful now and can move a little better, it is far from being normal, and I am looking forward to being monitored and treated by the NHS.  It has been a fairly long wait, and I haven't been particularly patient, but at least now I can be fairly sure that things should improve.

Linking up with Connie's blog Freemotion by the River for Linky Tuesday,
and with Kelly's blog My Quilt Infatuation for Needle and Thread Thursday,
and Sarah's blog Confessions of a Fabric Addict for Whoop Whoop Friday,
and Leah Day's blog for Free Motion Friday


  1. Your free motion landscape is lovely! May your shoulder unfreeze quickly!
    Donna in Harwich

    1. Thank you Donna. Landscape and shoulder - it feels like really slow progress on both. Doing my best not to be too grumpy about it...
      Love, Muv

  2. What skill, it's beautiful!

    1. Thanks Catherine. Definitely this country, isn't it?

  3. What a beautiful piece!! Hope your shoulder gets better soon! Thanks for sharing at Linky Tuesday! Freemotion by the River

  4. This is beautiful! I love all the texture!

  5. I admire your skill, really! Looks beautiful!

  6. Dear Muv,
    I literally gasped when I saw this. Again, the evolution of this piece is amazing. It is just stunning.

    I hope your shoulder heals steadily and soon. It took 8 months to get my shoulder and arm back to where they are now, using gentle stretches and deliberately coaxing them to do what they used to do. It was incredibly painful in the beginning, actually bringing me to tears at times, but my Reiki teacher had warned me that it would, so I persisted. Happy to say that the arm and shoulder are probably at about 95% of full range of motion now. Hang in there, be kind to yourself, and know that you will recover. Our bodies were made to heal themselves. Blessings!

    1. Thank you Linda! I think I have finally finished this picture now - I worked on it a bit more yesterday, and now just need to work out how to frame and bind it.

      As for the shoulder - yes, the worst of the pain has worn off, but it is still stiff. I need to be very strict with myself and do the exercises, but my self discipline on that score is close to zero. The movement is slowly coming back...

      Love, Muv



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