Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Just a Tiny Preview of the Out of Print Fashion Show

This is where the paper flowers have ended up - decorating the skirt of the outfit that I have made for the Out of Print Fashion Show.  It took me eleven days to make the complete ensemble, including accessories, and we had the dress rehearsal last Thursday.  It promises to be an interesting night - no two outfits alike, or even remotely similar...

It was quite enjoyable running up something that is to be worn once only and just for the fun of it. No finished seams, loose ends hanging everywhere.  I wish I could get away with it all the time! 

Linking up today with Connie's blog Freemotion by the River for Linky Tuesday.


  1. Ooo, pretty paper flowers. (In my head I can hear Bambi saying "Pretty, pretty flower!) I can't wait to see the whole thing.

  2. It's truly nuts, Laura Jean, I promise you



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