Friday, May 2, 2014

Free Motion Tweed Cushion

Finished yesterday evening, a rather late Easter present for my husband - here it is in all its woolly glory, and he loves it.

He particularly wanted oak leaves and acorns, so they are on the central panel, and his favourite of all the tweed offcuts was the dark green on the right.  I used dark green thread for the oak leaves to match the colour of the green tweed.

The back is fastened with five buttons.  I didn't have five buttons the same,  

... so I used three plastic buttons in naff 1970s brown...

... and two rather nice old metal buttons.

To get the best view of the free motion quilting you need to turn the whole thing inside out and look at the calico backing, but this cushion is about warmth and comfort, so from now on the backing stays out of sight.

I used three machines for this project - the 1949 Singer 15K hand machine for all the straight sewing, the 1945 15K treadle for the free motion quilting, and the 1936 Singer 201K treadle for the buttonholes.

Linking up today with Leah Day's blog for Free Motion Friday
Sarah's blog Confessions of a Fabric Addict for Whoop Whoop Friday
and Laura's blog Quokka Quilts for TGIFF


  1. Muv, amazing. Again, never would have thought to free-motion on this fabric, or dreamed it would look so beautiful. And the different buttons are delightful. I don't wonder he loves his pillow. Beautiful job!

  2. Love the new cushion for you husband! It looks very manly both color wise and texture wise. I especially like how you did the buttons on the back. I think using two different kinds of buttons just adds to the creativity of the whole project. Very nice! Glad he thinks so too.

    1. ... and Karen. Yes, it has turned out very blokey, just right for him!

  3. Forgot to mention that the quilting is perfect also. The pattern goes so well with the fabrics. I still cannot believe that you do that quilting on a treadle machine even though I watched your video. Outstanding!



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